Create one Refund
Initiates a refund for the specified order. The order can be specified either by Ivy’s internal orderId
or by the referenceId
provided by the merchant during checkout creation. If the refund should only be partial, you can specifiy this with the amount
The internal Ivy id of the order.
The external id set by the merchant during checkout creation.
The amount to refund in decimals, e.g. 10.23 for EUR 10.23. If not specified, the full order amount will be refunded.
A description for the refund. This will be retrievable in the API and in the Ivy dashboard.
The email of the customer. If provided, Ivy may use this email to contact the customer directly in case of issues or need for clarification regarding the refund. If not provided, Ivy will contact the merchant in such cases. However, this is a rare occurrence.
An optional custom text that will be shown on the customer's payment reference. Input has to be maximum 16 alpha-numeric characters. If not provided, a default Ivy refund referenceId will be shown.
The internal Ivy id of the order.
A unique identifier for the newly created refund. You can use this id to retrieve the refund from the order object.
The order status. This status symbolises the state of the user's payment attempt. See the guide for more information.
, canceled
, processing
, waiting_for_payment
, paid
, in_refund
, refunded
, refund_failed
, partially_refunded
, in_dispute
, disputed
, refused
The status of the refund. Always use the status of the order as your source of truth to trigger actions in your dashboard.
, succeeded
, failed
, requires_action
, partially_refunded