Everything you need to let customers pay in money with instant bank transfers
The main concept of customer payins with Ivy is the Checkout Session. Create a new Checkout Session for each of your customer payins. Each Checkout Session has a redirectUrl
parameter attached to it which you can use to either redirect the customer to the Ivy hosted payment page or to embed Ivy as an iFrame.
The Flow of Integration is the following:
Create a Checkout Session to get a unique
Redirect your customer to this URL to complete the payment
Receive the customer back at your application after payment completion
The entire payment journey is handled within the Ivy Checkout Page.
Creating a Checkout Session
Basic Request Parameters
To create a CheckoutSession, send a POST request to the Create a CheckoutSession endpoint. Here are the essential parameters needed:
The price object containing the payment amount and currency.
A unique reference ID, typically your internal payment ID.
The URL where customers are redirected after successful payment completion.
The URL where customers are redirected if they close or cancel the Checkout.
For a complete list of Parameters, please check out the API Reference
Example Payload
Response Fields
The API response includes these key fields:
The URL where you should redirect your user to complete payment.
A unique Ivy identifier for this checkout session.
Your provided reference ID, useful for tracking the transaction in your system.
For a complete list of Parameters, please check out the API Reference
Payment Flow
Customer Redirection
After receiving the API response, redirect your user to the provided redirectUrl
. They’ll complete their payment in the Ivy Checkout interface.
Alternative Client Integrations
You can embed Ivy as an iFrame in your page. Check out the guide for more.
Client-side SDKS
We are currently working on a React SDK. If you have any wishes for other SDKs, please reach out to us!
Status Tracking
When a customer completes payment successfully:
status is set to closed -
A new
object is created containing:-
All fields from the original
An additional
field tracking payment progress
Customers are redirected with these query parameters attached to the success or error callback URL you defined when creating the checkout session.
Your original reference ID from checkout creation
The Ivy order ID (only included for successful payments)
Set up Webhooks to receive real-time status updates. See Payment Status for detailed tracking information.
Ivy holds and creates a collection account for you. You can use this for multiple purposes such as customer payouts, refunds, onramping.
Learn more in our Collection Guides.
Advanced Configuration
Payment Scheme Selection
Ivy is connected to all instant payment rails in each country, e.g. SEPA Instant for EUR, Faster Payments for GBP, Elixir Express for PLN, RIX Instant for SEK.
Some banks charge their customers fees for using instant bank transfers. Ivy always uses the instant payment rail available for each bank if there are no fees charged to customers. You can enforce to always use the instant payment rail via the API
Control the speed vs. cost tradeoff of payments:
: Use only instant payment rails -
: Prioritize instant payment rails but allow fallback to standard -
: Use only standard (free but slower) rails
If not specified, the default scheme is determined by your merchant dashboard settings.
Guest Mode
Guest mode simplifies the payment process for non-recurring users by removing the email requirement.
To enable guest mode, set guest: true
when creating your checkout session.
With guest mode off, returning users can either: - Stay logged in between sessions - Log in again to skip bank selection
Next Steps
- Learn about Status Overview